I just heard a radio commercial for a cell phone.

Girl: “You don’t have to get me anything, sweetie, really.”

Announcer: “Don’t listen to her when she tells you she doesn’t want anything for Valentine’s Day. It’s a lie.”

by Dan Taylor

Um, yeah. She really wants a phone to show her you love her.

I have never celebrated Valentine’s Day. I’m always single. Usually I go out with a bunch of singles to Hooter’s so we can chow down on wings and beer and enjoy our freedom.

The one time I was in a couple on V-day, in 2008, I was with a man who did not believe in it. I won’t lie; I was a little disappointed. But at the same time, I was mad at myself for expecting something. Am I really no better than a fictional girl in a cell phone radio ad, who pretends she doesn’t want something but then gets mad when he doesn’t get her a gift?

Eek. Who wants THAT girl?

Of course, if Kevin did something special, I’d be pleased. But I’d be more excited if he bought me daisies in July, not overpriced roses on Feb. 14 because he is “supposed” to do that.

True romance contains the element of surprise.

I’ll be surprised if I can come up with a good gift, because so far he and I don’t have any specific plans this weekend. We’ll skip the cozy dinner for two shared with a zillion other couples. So what does that leave? I’d vote for a hot air balloon ride, but I don’t think the weather or my budget is going to allow that.

I also recently saw an ad for getting your pet a Valentine’s Day gift. Seriously? Clearly marketers really don’t care if it even makes any sense.

I think the most romantic evening Kevin and I spent together was on a deck swing, just talking. Maybe true romance also contains the element of simplicity. Cooking dinner together and taking a walk to Cook Out for a milkshake might just do the trick.

No matter what we do, I can tell you that a new cell phone doesn’t say, “I love you.”  Hmm… unless it’s a Nexus One, because I kind of want one of those.